Yuxuan Mu (Matthew)

Currently a Ph.D. student at GrUVi Lab, Simon Fraser University, working on 3D computer vision and animation. I primarily focus on 3D character motion modeling advised by Professor Xue bin (Jason) Peng.

I obtained my master’s degree at University of Alberta advised by Professor Li Cheng. I've worked as a research intern at Huawei Canada (Noah’s Ark Lab) on 3D generation and reconstruction with Juwei Lu and Xinxin Zuo.

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My works involve 3D human motion estimation, generation, physics simulation and rendering, aiming to eventually augment our reality by building digital dynamic clone.

'*' indicates equal contribution.

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GSD: View-Guided Gaussian Splatting Diffusion for 3D Reconstruction

Yuxuan Mu, Xinxin Zuo, Chuan Guo, Yilin Wang, Juwei Lu, Xiaofei Wu, Songcen Xu, Peng Dai, Youliang Yan, Li Cheng
ECCV, 2024
webpage / paper /

The first 3D diffusion model directly upon Gaussian Splatting for real‐world object reconstruction, with fine-grained view-guided conditioning.

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MoMask: Generative Masked Modeling of 3D Human Motions

Chuan Guo*, Yuxuan Mu*, Muhammad Gohar Javed*, Sen Wang, Li Cheng
CVPR, 2024
webpage / paper / code / demo / Star

We introduce MoMask, a novel masked modeling frame work for text‐driven 3D human motion generation with a hierarchical quantization scheme.

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Generative Human Motion Stylization in Latent Space

Chuan Guo*, Yuxuan Mu*, Xinxin Zuo, Peng Dai, Youliang Yan, Juwei Lu, Li Cheng
ICLR, 2024
webpage / paper / code /

We propose a flexible motion style extraction and injection method from a generative perspective to solve the motion stylization task with probabilistic style space.

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RACon: Retrieval-Augmented Simulated Character Locomotion Control

Yuxuan Mu, Shihao Zou, Kangning Yin, Zheng Tian, Li Cheng, Weinan Zhang, Jun Wang
ICME (Oral), 2024
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We introduce an end-to-end hierarchical reinforcement learning method utilizes a task-oriented learnable retriever, a motion controller and a retrieval-augmented discriminator.

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Event‐based Human Pose Tracking by Spiking Spatiotemporal Transformer

Shihao Zou, Yuxuan Mu, Xinxin Zuo, Sen Wang, Li Cheng
Arxiv Preprint, 2023
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Our SNNs approach uses at most 19.1% of the computation and 3.6% of the energy costs consumed by the existing methods while achieves superior performance.

Design and source code from Leonid Keselman's website